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Invest money sustainably

Invest money sustainably

sustainability & sustainable investment is one of the major issues of our time. In times of climate change, there is an increasing rethinking to become aware of the sustainability of one's own thinking and acting. This is why private investors are increasingly asking themselves whether they are doing justice to this topic with their investments. In this regard, the orientation towards the so-called ESG criteria has prevailed in the specialist literature. Below we will provide a definition and description of each component of ESG. These three letters ESG describe three sustainability-related areas of responsibility of companies in ecology, society and economy: "E" (Environment) here stands for environmental awareness, e.g., pollution or environmental hazard issues, greenhouse gas emissions, or energy efficiency issues. "S" (Social) includes aspects such as occupational health and safety, diversity or social commitment. "G" (Governance) relates to corporate management and includes topics such as corporate values or management and control processes. Various sustainability ratings are based on the analysis of these criteria, which are shown in the figure "Exemplary overview of ESG criteria" using a few selected examples.

Principles for responsible investment

The Principles for Responsible Investment(PRI) are based on a UN financial initiative launched with the aim of developing principles for responsible securities management. They reflect the increasing importance of environmental, social and corporate governance issues in investment decisions. More than 2,500 institutional investors have joined the initiative since its launch in 2006, managing a total of approximately $90 trillion in assets (as of 12/2018). It is becoming increasingly apparent that companies that strategically manage ESG issues will have clear competitive advantages in global markets in the future and perform better in the long term. By implementing the PRI in a sustainable investment approach, the aim is to actively and transparently promote sustainable business practices and encourage other market participants to do the same. A majority of institutional investors already take sustainability criteria into account when investing. This is particularly pronounced among capital management companies (91 percent), foundations and churches (88 percent), and insurance companies (70 percent). Sustainability assessment: Different information channels exist for assessing the sustainability of specific business models and companies. For example, many companies already prepare their own sustainability reports (management reports) and for European capital market-oriented companies there has been a reporting obligation since 2017, so that these companies must report annually on significant developments in the areas of environmental, employee and social concerns, respect for human rights, and combating corruption and bribery. Two standards have been established with regard to the quality and comparability of the reports: 1) the German Sustainability Code (DNK), 2) the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A key challenge is to filter out reliable information from the mass of data. For this purpose, various indicator systems have been developed, e.g. by index providers such as MSCI or also Thomson Reuters. With the help of these systems, the ESG scores of many companies can be systematically calculated and compared.
Geneve Invest, we have integrated the topic of sustainable investing into our own activities and corporate culture in order to provide excellent services to our clients over the long term. Transparency and responsibility are deeply embedded in our corporate culture. Compliance with international and national laws as well as our ethical principles determine our actions. All employees receive individual support and training. We are rising to the challenge of offering our customers attractive and suitable offers and products in the spirit of sustainability. In doing so, we attach great importance to sustainable and long-term value creation in order to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. Genève Invest is convinced that sustainability is a key issue of our time and will influence events on a global level in the future. For this reason, we support the global shift toward a sustainable, climate-neutral and social economy. Ecological, social and corporate aspects are taken into account in fundamental analyses. Our focus is on investments that offer long-term added value, rather than speculative exposures that promise short-term gain at high risk.

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    Individual asset management based on single stocks allows us to take into account the specific preferences of our clients. We avoid investing in companies associated with weapons, human and labor rights abuses, corruption and bribery, nuclear energy, tobacco and alcohol. Clients can make detailed requests to our asset management team. Sustainable investment criteria are taken into account when evaluating investment decisions. Our analysis and documentation processes are not yet set up in such a comprehensive way that we promote investments that take ESG and sustainability criteria into account. In our opinion, an independent and objective database is still lacking, which would allow a reliable classification of companies and prevent so-called "greenwashing" (greenwashing). Our stated aim is to be able to offer investments and products that comply with Article 8 of EU Regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector in the future.
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