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Valuable Insights: Find cheap stocks

Valuable Insights

As an established asset management company with more than 20 years of experience and over 1,000 customers, Genève Invest is one of the renowned representatives of the financial sector. Thanks to these decades of experience, we are able to give you, as a private investor, valuable first-hand insights into the area of ​​profitable asset management. Building capital wealth takes time, effort, and knowledge. The same goes for administration. We are happy to pass on our knowledge to you in this information brochure.

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Buy cheap stocks and sell overvalued

Buy low, sell high. This is a tenet for success in the stock market. Every investor knows this rule. However, there are always different opinions about almost every share as to whether and at what price it should be bought or sold. How does such a range of opinions come about? There are two main reasons for this:

  1. One reason is the human psyche. Fear and greed are important drivers of stock market trading, especially for private investors. Therefore, many of them fall into the same traps over and over again. There are entire books on the subject.
  2. Another reason is the many metrics that can provide insight into whether a stock is rated high or low. Depending on which metrics you choose and which one you pay the most attention to, the verdict on a stock's price can be "expensive" or "inexpensive."

The trick is therefore, on the one hand, to switch off emotions and, on the other hand, to separate the misleading from the really decisive key figures - and above all: to evaluate these key figures correctly. This requires expertise and experience. Because the value of a key figure is sometimes only revealed at second glance.


The Geneve Invest Group has been successfully active in the field of asset management for many years and offers you valuable insights into the capital market. Find out why we have had corporate bonds in our portfolio for more than 20 years and why nothing will change in the future.

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Identify promising companies in just one minute using the 3G method 

Company valuation is a complex field. Even the comparatively simple evaluation of a company based on the four key figures mentioned above takes time. And the more intensively you deal with it, the more likely you are to lose yourself in the details and not see the forest for the trees. That's why it's helpful to have a rule of thumb at hand that you can use to quickly estimate whether it's worth looking into a company at all. Such a very simple and efficient rule of thumb is the 3G method, loosely based on the basic principle: "Take a quick look, aim and shoot". You only need one key figure for this [...] 

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