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A dynamic investment approach with highly attractive performance prospects... that is the main goal of our investment strategy 4.

For our clients looking for dynamic investments, we offer an investment solution where up to 100% of assets can be invested in equities. This strategy is designed for investors whose primary goal is to maximize the total return of their portfolio. This type of investment is suitable for people with a long-term investment horizon who want to accumulate income and capital gains. Stocks are more volatile than bonds, but over the long term, they're the asset class that offers the best returns. Patience and time are two powerful weapons for the investor with a portfolio that consists primarily of stocks. It is important to keep in mind that time in the market always beats investment time. In addition, over time, the investor can take full advantage of the compound interest effect. This effect makes it possible to generate interest on interest and leads to an exponential growth in capital. As a result, clients who choose an equity-majority portfolio seek outcomes that are generally superior to our other investment strategies. 

The Geneve Invest concept 

Value investing + megatrend focus on promising quality stocks 

Value investing approach (according to Munger) + Megatrends: companies with long-term and overlapping change processes that affect social and technological change 

Growing markets such as technology, health, digitalization and online consumption 

Companies need to be active in growing markets and have a technological edge over their competitors.  

Search for durable competitive advantages and moat (protective wall) 

Focus on companies that generate  high margins and a high return on assets 

Anticyclical  Action 

Genève Invest's equity investment strategy is based on Munger's value investing approach. The focus is on high quality global companies that have competitive advantages over their peers. This moat (protective wall) enables companies to achieve high margins and thus a high return on total capital. The competitive advantages can be long-term patents or licenses, high stock exchange fees or a strong brand. Companies that operate in growing markets and have a technological edge over their competitors are of interest. We find these companies primarily in the areas of technology, health, digitization and online consumption. In addition to this sector diversification, we invest in various geographical regions (Germany, Switzerland, USA, China) and currencies (euro, US dollar, Swiss franc). 

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